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Handling deviations

Handling deviations in the parameter file

When your parameter file does not adhere to the specified types

When loading the parameter file, the values specified are coerced into the appropriate type where possible. The details of the coersion are specified in this conversion table If type coercion is not possible, then a ValidationError is raised (which is actually a pydantic.ValidationError that has been exported from our namespace). Consider the case where you would use the following config file for the MyExampleConfig defined before:

field1 = 4
field2 = "22"

The int specified for field1 will be coerced into a float value of 4.0. The str specified for field2 will be coerced into an int value of 22.

When your parameter file does not contain all specified attributes

If your Config or Settings has one of more sections with one or more attributes that do not have a default value, then a parameter file must be loaded and these sections and attributes must be present in the loaded parameter file. If this is not the case, a TypeError is raised. Attributes that have default values can be omitted from the parameter file without problems. Likewise, sections of which all attributes have default values can also be omitted without problems.

Note that in the dataclass definitions, attributes without default value have to come before attributes with default values.

When your parameter file contains additional, unspecified attributes

Entries in a parameter file that are not defined in the Container or Section classes will simply be ignored silently.

More advanced typing and validation with pydantic

  • Non-standard types useful for configuration or settings, such as FilePath, are offered, see pydantic types
  • In addition, a network module is provided by pydantic that contains types for common network-related fields
  • The value of numeric types can be restricted using pydantic constrained types